Wednesday 3 June 2015

Deal with the Devil - by Louisa George

A Deal with the DevilA Deal with the Devil by Louisa George
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I found this book an enjoyable easy read, it was the book equivalent to easy listening on a sunny Sunder afternoon. It was smoothly written with likable characters and had plenty to keep you interested without being too taxing. It was refreshing to finally read a romance that wasn't laden with smut just for the sake of it, but appropriately placed in line with the story. This book would be the perfect travel companion

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Closer than you think - by Karen Rose

Closer Than You Think (Faith Corcoran, #1)Closer Than You Think by Karen Rose
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the first Karen Rose book that I have read and I must say, it was excellent! It was packed full of chills, action and romance. So much so that I was reading every chance I could just to see what happens next. it has been a long while since I have found a book that has hooked me so quickly and throughout. I am now going to start working my way through the rest of her books, I just have to decide which to choose first...

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